As contained in the Tasmanian Disability Services Act (1992)
The standards to be complied with in respect of the provision of services relating to persons with disabilities are as follows:
Services are to be designed and administered so as to achieve positive outcomes for persons with disabilities, such as increased independence, education and employment opportunities and integration into the community.
Services are to be designed and administered so as to ensure that the conditions of every-day life of persons with disabilities are the same as, or as close as possible to, the conditions of every-day life of other members of the community.
Services are to be provided as part of local co-ordinated service systems and be integrated with services generally available to members of the community, wherever possible.
Services are to be tailored to meet the individual needs and goals of persons with disabilities.
Programs and services are to be designed and administered so as to meet the needs of persons with disabilities who experience additional disadvantage as a result of their sex, ethnic origin, Aboriginality or geographic location.
Programs and services are to be designed and administered so as to promote recognition of the competence of, and enhance the image of, persons with disabilities.
Programs and services are to be designed and administered so as to promote the participation of persons with disabilities in the life of the local community through maximum physical and social integration in that community.
Programs and services are to be designed and administered so as to ensure that no single organization providing services exercises control over all or most aspects of the life of a person with disabilities.
Programs and services are to be designed and administered so as to be as free as possible from aversive, restrictive and intrusive treatment practices.
Organizations providing services, whether those services are provided specifically to people with disabilities or generally to members of the community, are to be accountable to those persons with disabilities who use their services, the advocates of such people, the State and the community generally for the provision of information from which the quality of their services can be judged.
Programs and services are to be designed and administered so as to provide opportunities for persons with disabilities to reach goals and enjoy lifestyles which are valued by the community generally and are appropriate to their age.
Services are to be designed and administered so as to ensure that persons with disabilities have access to advocacy support where necessary to ensure adequate participation in decision making about the services they receive.
Programs and services are to be designed and administered so as to ensure that appropriate avenues exist for persons with disabilities to raise and have resolved any grievances about services.
Services are to be designed and administered so as to provide persons with disabilities with, and encourage them to make use of, avenues for on–going participation in the planning and operation of services which they receive.
Programs and services are to be designed and administered so as to provide persons with disabilities with opportunities for consultation in relation to the development of major policy and program changes.
Programs and services are to be designed and administered so as to respect the rights of persons with disabilities to privacy and confidentiality.
Priority of access to services is to be on the assessed needs of each person based on –
(a) the person’s wishes; and
(b) the level of disability and its impact on the person; and
(c) the extent of support provided to the person from all sources; and
(d) the benefits to the person of preventive services over remedial measures.