Staff Memo 09-08-2023


We are getting disturbing reports of nasty, uncivilised exchanges between some of our employees.

This is not acceptable and leads into accusations of bullying, intimidation and discrimination.

Gossiping and talking about others in disparaging ways is not acceptable either.

Please review the attached policy – Bullying, harassment and discrimination.

NWSS may find itself having to take serious action on this behaviour in order to avoid legal implications.  This may mean dismissing people who communicate in this way.

Regardless of what is happening, adult to adult communication in NWSS must always be respectful and dignified and inflict no discomfort.

These criteria apply equally to the people we are supporting as well.

If someone is anxious, upset or not coping well please use our Employee Support Program run by Lonvara.  Their contact details are attached.

Lonvara Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a confidential counselling service for employees and their eligible family members provided by North West Support Services and will fund up to four (4) confidential consultations per annum per employee. Lonvara clinicians are qualified, experienced professionals who have extensive training and experience in counselling, coaching and workplace consulting.
Telephone: 0411 952 410

Click here for the NWRSS Policy on Bullying, harassment and discrimination