All employees,
We are now going to formally incorporate our Lifestyle Calendars into our electronic roster system.
This will be a simple process that we will slowly build on.
We will start with the clients who attend our music sessions.
The sessions are:
o 10.30 am to 11.30 pm – Wednesday – Wynyard Yacht Club
o 10.30 am to 11.30 pm – Thursday – Eastside Studios
o 12.30 pm to 1.30 pm – Thursday – Wynyard Yacht Club
o 12.30 pm to 1.30 pm – Thursday – Eastside Studios
Support Workers will find, when they check their rosters on the electronic system, that the lifestyle activities for each client will start appearing in the drop-down box in their shift. This means that the activity is a compulsory shift task.
The codes you will see in the drop-down box are made up like the following example:
Client initials Activity Location Time
TM Music WYC 10.30-1.30
The code will look simply like this:
TM : Music : WYC : 10.30 : 1.30
As we add lifestyle activities and clients, I will create and notify all support workers of the codes.
Once entered progress will be audited by:
· Checking Daily/Shift Reports to see if the client got to the activity
· Checking with clients, Support Workers, and activity presenters on how the activity is goin
· Management team members calling in on activities to see how they are going
So, please make sure the activity in the drop-down box in your roster shift happens and contact me if any problems occur.
Neal Rodwell — General Manager — North West Support Services — 0418 140 000