Details for each category of leave are available in the Multi Enterprise Agreement (MEA) that sets NWSS’ award conditions. A copy of the MEA is available on request.
Parental Leave
Parental leave can only be applied for through Centrelink. If approved, it can be paid through NWSS as the employer.
Sick Leave
The Service Coordinator must be notified immediately of the need for sick leave. Any more than one day off requires a medical certificate.
Compassionate Leave
The Service Coordinator must be notified immediately of the need for compassionate leave.
Annual Leave (Online form available on our website).
Staff with regular hours must give, at least, four weeks of notice in writing to the Service Coordinator responsible for the house/contract they require the leave from.
The Service Coordinator will confer with the Roster Coordinator.
The employee will be advised within five days as to the outcome of their request.
Requests to cash-in annual leave must be directed to the General Manager.
Staff who don’t have regular hours are required to give one week of notice in writing to the Service Coordinator responsible for the house/contract they require leave from.
The Service Coordinator will confer with the Roster Coordinator.
The employee will be advised within five days as to the outcome of their request.
Long Service Leave (Online form available on our website)
Long service leave requests must be made to the General Manager.
Leave Without Pay (Online form available on our website)
Leave without pay requests must be made to the General Manager.
COVID-19 related time off
All decisions related to COVID-19 are as directed by the Tasmanian Department of Health.
Any supplementary standards or restrictions introduced by NWSS are tested against industrial law and award conditions.
If a person shows symptoms in the workplace, they will be advised to leave the workplace and contact the Tasmanian Public Health Hotline – 1800 671 738. Any time off that eventuates from hotline directions will be funded:
- By the person’s sick or annual if they accrue and wish to use those entitlements
- By the person’s private funds if they are not accruing these entitlements
Remember that NWSS will transfer, by request, employees to the permanent rate so that they can accrue sick leave and annual leave.
Neal Rodwell
General Manager
North West Support Services – 0418 140 000