Staff Memo 25-08-2020


NWSS still requires support workers to wear masks when it is not possible to socially distance when working with the people we support.

The recommendations from the Health Department are to wear masks when:

  • Providing personal care
  • Assisting a person to eat meals
  • Assisting with PEG management and meals
  • In confined spaces like vehicles
  • When within 1.5 meters of a person for more than a brief timeThese examples give a good idea of how to think about when masks should be worn. This is not a new directive.  It is still the directive we have to follow in our type of working environment to ensure infection control when supporting others. Please follow all of the directives we put out and, don’t divert from a directive unless a memo or a request from a member of the management team allows it. It is vital that we stay vigilant. We want you and the people you support to remain safe.

–Neal Rodwell — General Manager
North West Support Services — 0418 140 000